Καλημέραααα - 21 φωτογραφικοί λόγοι που πρέπει κάποιος να επισκεφτεί το Χονγκ Κόνγκ για μια φορά στην ζωή του - Ακόμα εδώ είστε; (φωτό)

1. Because sunrise never looked so lovely as it did rising over the harbor. Because sunrise never looked so lovely as it did rising over the harbor. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 2. Well… maybe I spoke too soon. Well... maybe I spoke too soon. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 3. And the view of hundreds of skyscrapers lit up at night never gets old. And the view of hundreds of skyscrapers lit up at night never gets old. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 4. Because there’s something peaceful about knowing the city is still awake with you. Because there's something peaceful about knowing the city is still awake with you. Hugo Lim / Via flic.kr 5. There is no feeling quite like being immersed in the midst of a moving metropolis. There is no feeling quite like being immersed in the midst of a moving metropolis. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 6. And having every sense awakened as you walk through the streets. And having every sense awakened as you walk through the streets. Scott Charters / Via flic.kr 7. Even when it rains it’s still one of the most magical places you’ve ever seen. Even when it rains it's still one of the most magical places you've ever seen. Kevin Utting / Via flic.kr 8. There is no city that better understands what it means to be an urban jungle. There is no city that better understands what it means to be an urban jungle. Trey Ratcliff / Via flic.kr 9. And no comfort like being nestled in between ancient mountains. And no comfort like being nestled in between ancient mountains. Dhilung Kirat / Via flic.kr 10. Because even though everything moves so quickly… Because even though everything moves so quickly... Steve Webel / Via flic.kr 11. …there are just as many moments of absolute stillness. ...there are just as many moments of absolute stillness. Andy Enero / Via flic.kr 12. Moments that make you pause. Moments that make you pause. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 13. Reflect. Reflect. 仁仔 何 / Via flic.kr 14. And contemplate. And contemplate. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 15. Life in Hong Kong is always surprising. Life in Hong Kong is always surprising. See Ming-Lee / Via flic.kr 16. There is always somewhere to go. There is always somewhere to go. Luke Chan / Via flic.kr 17. Always something to eat. Always something to eat . Jens Schott Knudsen / Via flic.kr 18. And of course always something to marvel at. And of course always something to marvel at. Wm. Li / Via flic.kr 19. In the end, it’s strangely comforting to live in a city with so many people. In the end, it's strangely comforting to live in a city with so many people. Peter Stewart / Via flic.kr 20. Because there’s always something to celebrate. Because there's always something to celebrate. D5E / Via flic.kr 21. And frankly, one hell of a view to do it in. And frankly, one hell of a view to do it in.


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