Δείτε πως μια fitness blogger μπορεί να εξαφανίσει την κυτταρίτιδα σε μόλις 1 λεπτό (Φωτό)

Πολύ έξυπνο!

O κανόνας είναι ένας: στον πλανήτη του Instagram, όλα μοιάζουν αψεγάδιαστα. «Μοιάζουν», δεν είναι.

Ανεβάζοντας φωτογραφίες της με μπικίνι στο Instagram, η Sia Cooper μας δείχνει πως είναι πολύ εύκολο να «εξαφανίσουμε» την κυτταρίτιδά μας και να έχουμε τα τέλεια οπίσθια.

Σκοπός της Sia Cooper είναι να καταλάβουμε ότι είναι απόλυτα φυσιολογικό να μην είναι τέλεια τα σώματά μας και κυρίως ότι οι αψεγάδιαστες φωτογραφίες που βλέπουμε στα social media είναι μη πραγματικές.


I loved the beach so much that I moved near one. There’s something so calming yet fierce about the waves. It reminds of the various situations we go through in our lives. We can rather ride the waves or let them crash us down. I’ve been tumbled many times, I’ve failed many times, and I’ve been at rock bottom many times. But the cool thing is that the same wave that knocks you down can lift you on back up. You don’t have to stay in your rut. You have the power to make this life whatever you want it to be. We are all given the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I didn’t become a girlboss from sitting around complaining about my life. At one point I was overweight, underweight, unhealthy, broke, depressed, divorced, abused, and lonely. I remember going to work feeling line I was going through the motions. But now I actually get to do something that I love... all because I started and didn’t give up. Babes, you have way more power than you realize. It’s time to stand up and own that power and make your life incredible. ? Bikini: @kotomi_swimu #diaryofafitmommy #siacooper #diaryofafitmommyofficial

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη SIA COOPER? (@diaryofafitmommyofficial) στις


It’s so easy to edit a photo these days. No, I’m not even talking about Photoshop. I’m talking these little iPhone apps that allow you to smooth cellulite, slim waists and thighs, and make your booty bigger. Crazy right? The photo of me is from Maui last year. I altered it in less than a minute! I just want to show you that it’s so easy to manipulate photos with the touch of a button and many celebrities and fitness models do it on the daily. I’m not saying to stop believing everything you see. Just stop COMPARING. You’re a queen and the only person you need to focus on and compare yourself to is the gal you were yesterday. Have a great week!

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη SIA COOPER? (@diaryofafitmommyofficial) στις


Social media is a world of its own and most of us live in it every single day. So often, we see something and we believe it to be true. However studies have shown that seeing these wealthy lifestyles, flawless faces, and perfected bodies can often cause body dysmorphia, depression, anxiety, and a general feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s life. Why? It’s simple: COMPARISON. Comparison is truly the thief of joy and this is why I try never doing just that.. especially when it comes to physical appearance. Long gone are the days Photoshop was just for magazines because now there are countless apps that let you do the same exact thing to your social media photos. Im showing you this so that next time you see that perfect celebrity, model, or fitness guru, you’ll know better. Now I’m not saying everyone shops their images.. but to say it doesn’t happen often would be quite the understatement! If you’re feeling inferior to anyone or anything on your newsfeeds, please hit the unfollow button for your own sake. Your mental health is way more important. ? #siacooper #diaryofafitmommy #diaryofafitmommyofficial

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη SIA COOPER? (@diaryofafitmommyofficial) στις

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