Καταπληκτικό! Η μεταμόρφωση του Anthony Hopkins σε Alfred Hitchcock με προσθετικά 50 χιλ. λιρών και τεράστιο κοστούμι

Δείτε τη μεταμόρφωση του Anthony Hopkins σε Alfred Hitchcock με προσθετικά 50 χιλ. λιρών και τεράστιο κοστούμι!

Δείτε τη μεταμόρφωση του Anthony Hopkins σε Alfred Hitchcock με προσθετικά 50 χιλ. λιρών και τεράστιο κοστούμι!

Το άρθρο της Daily Mail:

His performance as celebrated  film director Alfred Hitchcock has already been tipped for Oscar glory.

But, as these pictures show, Sir Anthony Hopkins relied on more than just his acting to complete the transformation.

The Welsh actor, who turns 75 tomorrow, spent at least 90 minutes each morning being turned into the director – dubbed the Master of  Suspense by fans – with the aid of two make-up artists, £50,000 of prosthetics and a ‘fat suit’ to replicate Hitchcock’s 21-stone frame.

Transformation: Sir Anthony Hopkins sits down to begin his transformation into director Alfred Hitchcock

Transformation: Sir Anthony Hopkins sits down to begin his transformation into director Alfred Hitchcock

Sprinkle of magic: Two makeup artists spent at least 90 minutes each morning perfecting the look, using £50,000 worth of prosthetics and a 'fat suit'

Sprinkle of magic: Two makeup artists spent at least 90 minutes each morning perfecting the look, using £50,000 worth of prosthetics and a 'fat suit'

Guess who: Sir Anthony after the process has been completed. Award-winning makeup artist Howard Berger said: 'It was vitally important that Tony had to be convincing as Hitchcock'

Guess who: Sir Anthony after the process has been completed. Award-winning makeup artist Howard Berger said: 'It was vitally important that Tony had to be convincing as Hitchcock'

Award-winning make-up artist Howard Berger said of the £50 million film, which also stars Dame Helen Mirren as Hitchcock’s wife Alma: ‘It was vitally important that Tony had to be convincing as Hitchcock. We had what we called a “horseshoe” piece – a flesh-coloured prosthetic which added flesh to the nose, cheeks and chin.

‘It is a lengthy process because you glue the piece on and then you have to carefully “paint” on the flesh tones to make it match. We also had to bulk him up while still making him utterly believable.’

Despite the ordeal, Sir Anthony was ‘a delight’ to work with. ‘Tony was great because he would come  in every morning totally prepared,’ Mr Berger said.

‘He would shave his head and his face. The make-up would go on and his transformation would be complete.

Comparison: Sir Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock, left, and the director himself, rigth

Comparison: Sir Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock, left, and the director himself, right

‘His voice, tone and manner of walking would change. It was a sprinkle of magic.

‘Tony would not leave the trailer until he was 100 per cent. He didn’t want to walk on to the set and be Anthony Hopkins.

‘The greatest compliment that Tony paid to me was that he looked at his reflection on that first day  and said, “I don’t think I even need to act, this just does it for me.” ’

The film, due to be released in February, focuses on the British-born director’s strained marriage at the time of his 1960 hit Psycho. 

Featuring Scarlett Johansson as Psycho star Janet Leigh and James D’Arcy as the movie’s leading man Anthony Perkins, it has already opened in the US to rave reviews.

Sir Anthony Hopkins and Dame Helen Mirren attend the UK premiere of Hitchcock ANTHONY HOPKINS & HELEN MIRREN Film 'HITCHCOCK'

Stars: Helen Mirren stars alongside Hopkins as Hitchcock's wife, Alma

VIDEO Hopkins in the official trailer for Hitchcock

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