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Regal: Astley Castle in Warwickshire has won the RIBA Stirling Prize 2013 for the best new building of the year

Astley Castle in Warwickshire - wrecked by a fire in 1978 - had been in danger of collapse until it was brought back to life by the £1.35 million building project for the Landmark Trust

Ancient and modern: An architecture expert said: 'The architects have designed an incredibly powerful contemporary house which is expertly and intricately intertwined with 800 years of history'

Plush: The new design is set within the shell of the ruin, visible outside the window

Stephen Hodder, president of the Royal Institute of British Architects, said: 'Astley Castle is an exceptional example of how modern architecture can revive an ancient monument

Astley Castle in Warwickshire by Witherford Watson Mann Architects

Many of the period features are retained in the bold yet sympathetic design


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